Loggerhead turtle
(Caretta caretta)
The loggerhead turtle is named for its large head and is characterised by heavy strong jaws, allowing to feed on hard shelled-prey. The dorsal shield, called carapace, is slightly he ...
Report your sighting! Take part in the conservation of dolphins, whales and turtles and become a citizen scientist.
SightMe is a citizen science project, aimed at collecting research data on cetaceans and turtles and at mitigating the impact of boat disturbance on them and their habitat, through public engagement in scientific monitoring.
We commonly believe that in order to see whales, we must travel to far-off seas. But, unexpectedly, the Mediterranean Sea is home to eight species of cetaceans, including the world’s second-largest animal, the fin whale.
The common bottlenose dolphin is most likely the best known of all cetaceans, figured in legends and being known since the ancient Greeks ...
The short-beaked common dolphin is a medium-sized dolphin, easily distinguishable by a very unique hourglass-like pattern on the side of ...
The striped dolphin is the most abundant dolphin species in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a small, active and energetic dolphin, usually s ...
Risso’s dolphins are large members of the Delphinidae family, presenting a distinctive coloration that can vary throughout their ...
The fin whale is the second longest animal in the world, after the blue whale, reaching a length of 23 m and weighting up to 50 tons. The ...
The sperm whale is easily recognisable by its massive heads which contains the spermaceti: the world’s most powerful natural sonar or ech ...
Sea turtles are marine reptiles that have swum in our oceans form more than 100 million years, having played a vital ecological role for the marine habitats since then. These highly migratory animals travel over long distances in many parts of the world and spend most of their lives in the ocean.
The loggerhead turtle is named for its large head and is characterised by heavy strong jaws, allowing to feed on hard shelled-prey. The dorsal shield, called carapace, is slightly he ...
The green turtles are the only herbivore among sea turtle species. They are so called because of the green coloured cartilage and fat and not because of the shell, which is often dar ...
Known to be the largest of all sea turtles, the leatherback is also one of the biggest reptiles on earth. It is easily recognisable by its distinctive smooth and soft carapace that s ...